Wednesday, July 23, 2014

C# Learning - Creating new AD accounts

I've been coding in PowerShell for 2 years now, and I gotta say switching over to C# is a nightmare! I do like it though, its has been a great fun experience. Once I got past the whole "Hello world" tutorials and learning the syntax it got a lot more fun. I'm not that I'm an expert in any way, but I believe I'm starting to get a hang of what is going on, which makes me happy.

Today as part of my on going project I had to create a function to create AD users through C#, and I'm using System.DirectoryServices class which actually requires that you add each property to the user, but doesn't actually tell you what does properties are, so after some looking around I found a table in this article. It made it a lot simpler than trying to guess the names. Here is the table for those that just want to get a quick look:

LDAP Attribute


CCountry: e.g GB for Great Britain.
CN - Common NameCN=Guy Thomas.  Actually, this LDAP attribute can be made up from givenName joined to SN.
CNMaps to 'Name' in the LDAP provider. Remember CN is a mandatory property.  See also sAMAccountName.
descriptionWhat you see in Active Directory Users and Computers.  Not to be confused with displayName on the Users property sheet.
displayNamedisplayName = Guy Thomas.  If you script this property, be sure you understand which field you are configuring.  DisplayName can be confused with CN or description.

DN - also distinguishedNameDN is simply the most important LDAP attribute.
CN=Jay Jamieson, OU= Newport,DC=cp,DC=com
givenNameFirstname also called Christian name
homeDriveHome Folder : connect.  Tricky to configure
initialsUseful in some cultures.
namename = Guy Thomas.  Exactly the same as CN.
objectCategoryDefines the Active Directory Schema category. For example, objectCategory = Person
objectClassobjectClass = User.  Also used for Computer, organizationalUnit, even container.  Important top level container.
physicalDeliveryOfficeNameOffice! on the user's General property sheet
postOfficeBoxP.O. box.
profilePathRoaming profile path: connect.  Trick to set up
sAMAccountNameThis is a mandatory property, sAMAccountName = guyt.  The old NT 4.0 logon name, must be unique in the domain. 
sAMAccountNameIf you are using an LDAP provider 'Name' automatically maps to sAMAcountName and CN. The default value is same as CN, but can be given a different value.
SNSN = Thomas. This would be referred to as last name or surname.
titleJob title.  For example Manager.
userAccountControlUsed to disable an account.  A value of 514 disables the account, while 512 makes the account ready for logon.
userPrincipalNameuserPrincipalName =  Often abbreviated to UPN, and looks like an email address.  Very useful for logging on especially in a large Forest.  Note UPN must be unique in the forest.
wWWHomePageUser's home page.

Examples of Exchange Specific LDAP attributes

homeMDB Here is where you set the MailStore
legacyExchangeDNLegacy distinguished name for creating Contacts. In the following example,
Guy Thomas is a Contact in the first administrative group of GUYDOMAIN: /o=GUYDOMAIN/ou=first administrative group/cn=Recipients/cn=Guy Thomas
mailAn easy, but important attribute.  A simple SMTP address is all that is required
mAPIRecipient - FALSEIndicates that a contact is not a domain user.
mailNicknameNormally this is the same value as the sAMAccountName, but could be different if you wished.  Needed for mail enabled contacts.
mDBUseDefaultsAnother straightforward field, just the value to:True
msExchHomeServerNameExchange needs to know which server to deliver the mail.  Example:
/o=YourOrg/ou=First Administrative Group/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=MailSrv
proxyAddressesAs the name 'proxy' suggests, it is possible for one recipient to have more than one email address.  Note the plural spelling of proxyAddresses.
 targetAddressSMTP:@ e-mail address.  Note that SMTP is case sensitive.  All capitals means the default address.
 showInAddressBookDisplays the contact in the Global Address List.

cCountry or Region
companyCompany or organization name
departmentUseful category to fill in and use for filtering
homephoneHome Phone number, (Lots more phone LDAPs)
l  (Lower case L)L = Location.  City ( Maybe Office
locationImportant, particularly for printers and computers.
managerBoss, manager
mobileMobile Phone number
ObjectClassUsually, User, or Computer
OUOrganizational unit.  See also DN
pwdLastSetForce users to change their passwords at next logon
postalCodeZip or post code
stState, Province or County
streetAddressFirst line of address
telephoneNumberOffice Phone
userAccountControlEnable (512) / disable account (514)

Examples of Obscure LDAP Attributes

uSNCreated, uSNChanged

I removed the Ads because I'm not sure if they would affect his stuff. 

Here is the difference in code from creating users in PowerShell and in C#:

PowerShell * In this particular example I'm taking the values from a CSV, which allows me to create multiple accounts very quickly. 

//This is needed
Import-Module ActiveDirectory

New-ADUser -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "PASSWORDHERE" -Force-Server 'DCHOSTNAME' `
        -Enabled $true `
        -Name $file.username `
        -GivenName $ `
        -Surname $file.lastname `
        -Initials $file.middle `
        -DisplayName $file.displayname `
        -SamAccountName $file.username `
        -Office $ `
        -Department $file.Department `
        -Company $ `
        -StreetAddress $file.Street `
        -City $ `
        -State $file.state `
        -PostalCode $file.postalcode `
        -Country $  `
        -Description $file.description `
        -Path $file.path `
        -UserPrincipalName $file.userprincipalname `
        -EmailAddress $file.userprincipalname `
        -OtherAttributes @{'co'="United States"'countryCode'="840"

C# * Please note that I am passing the variables from the "OnClick" function for a button, and also that all the properties name are not provided to you as they are in PowerShell. Final note there is some parameters that have not yet been used as they will be added at a later point when I create the mailbox. 

//These are required
using System.DirectoryServices;
using System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory;

public void createUser(int ticketnumber, string firstname, string middleIn, string lastName, 
string samaccountname, string email, string telephone, string hemisphere, string company, 
string office, string address, string city, string state, string division, string Code, 
string OrganizationalUnit, string country, string department, string title, string displayName, 
string postalCode, string co, string Manager)
            string path = "LDAP://" + OrganizationalUnit;
            int NORMAL_ACCOUNT = 0x200;
            int PWD_NOTREQD = 0x20;
                using (DirectoryEntry ou = new DirectoryEntry(path))
                    DirectoryEntry user = ou.Children.Add("CN=" + samaccountname, "user");
                    user.Properties["userPrincipalName"].Add(samaccountname + "@DOMAIN");
                    user.Properties["name"].Add(firstname + " " + lastName);
                    user.Properties["userAccountControl"].Value = NORMAL_ACCOUNT | PWD_NOTREQD;
                    user.Properties["description"].Add("AC #" + ticketnumber + " JB | Created with JBSoftware");
            catch (System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryServicesCOMException E)
                MessageBox.Show(E, "ERROR!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            }        }

Well I think that is it for the day, I hope that this information might be useful to someone out there!

Edit >
It seems that I forgot a simple o in the Country property. (see in bold)

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

C# - ComboBox with all countries

I suppose two posts won't hurt anyone, this one will be short don't worry. 

I am learnong C# on the side, and as a learning project  I am currently developing a program to help our Service desk automate Account creations and modifications. One of the fields that I want them to fill out when creating accounts is the Country where the user is located, but I honestly didn't want to trust their typing skills on this so I though I could try to create a drop down menu - or ComboBox as its called in the Toolbox - and I figured I should look online maybe there is a text list that I can find already made. 

It turns out there is a whole reference to get the list that you can use for this. Here is the Sauce where I found the information, and I'll put the information below in case you are looking for a quick answer:

Add reference
using System.Globalization;
Country combobox without list of country with NativeName and so more.
Code :
private void PopulateCountryComboBox()
            RegionInfo country = new RegionInfo(new CultureInfo("en-US", false).LCID);
            List countryNames = new List();
            foreach (CultureInfo cul in CultureInfo.GetCultures(CultureTypes.SpecificCultures))
                country = new RegionInfo(new CultureInfo(cul.Name, false).LCID);

            IEnumerable nameAdded = countryNames.OrderBy(names => names).Distinct();

            foreach (string item in nameAdded)

Country dropdown HTML